Kirengeshoma palmata Lightly cover seeds and use 65-72ºF, if no germination in 5 weeks move to cooler conditions, were germination will be spread out over many weeks. Do not discard seed trays for at least 14 months. |
Kitaibelia vitifolia - Sow and keep for 6 months at 39ºF (fridge rater) or winter out side, move to 65-75 ºF for germination. |
Knautia arvensis - Sow at 40 F, high temps retard germination. Germination is irregular, taken place over 1-15 weeks. |
Knautia macedonica - Sow at 70ºF, if no germination in 4 weeks, move to the fridge for 3 weeks, then back to 70ºF. |
Knautia macedonica 'Melton Pastels' - Sow at 70ºF, if no germination in 4 weeks, move to the fridge for 3 weeks, then back to 70ºF. |
Kochia scoparia - Germination in less than two weeks at 68ºF, |
Koeleria glauca - Use 4 weeks at 68ºF, if no germination move to 35-39ºF for four weeks.., |
Koelreuteria paniculata - nick and soak, 12 weeks at 39ºF, germ. at 68ºF |
Kolkwitzia amabilis - Use 4 weeks at 68ºF, if no germination move to 35-39ºF for four weeks.., |